Top 5 Benefits of Having a YouTube Channel

YouTube is a popular video-sharing website where registered users can upload and share videos with anyone able to access the site. These videos can also be embedded and shared on other sites. YouTube was developed by former PayPal employees in 2005 and was acquired by Google in 2006. It has had a profound impact on media and advertising.

The Main Functions of YouTube:-

  • Users can search and watch videos
  • Create a personal YouTube channel
  • Upload videos to your YouTube channel
  • Like/Comment/share other YouTube videos
  • Users can subscribe to other YouTube channels and users
  • Create playlists to organize videos
Top 5 Benefits of Having a YouTube Channel
Top 5 Benefits of Having a YouTube Channel

When social media is brought up, most people think of the classics – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. It stands out from the crowd in terms of interface and content format but doesn’t count out. YouTube is right behind Google in the world’s most visited website!

What Is YouTube?

YouTube is a video platform that’s driven by two types of users:

  • Video creators: People who have channels and upload videos to those channels.
  • Video viewers: People who watch videos, interact with videos, and subscribe to channels.

5 Benefits of Having a YouTube Channel

1. Exposure to a Worldwide Audience

There is a total of 122 million daily active users on YouTube. Users from all over the world are turning in multiple times a day to consume content. While other platforms may have certain parameters for their audiences, YouTube is extremely varied with users from all different ages, backgrounds, education levels, etc.

2.  Extra Source of Traffic

The effect of adding the extra content is that it drives more traffic. People can now find you on YouTube and on your site. Right now, we still drive more traffic from our site to the YouTube channel than the other way around, but we are starting to see some come the other way. In the beginning, if you only have a food blog, this will probably be your results as well on your most trafficked posts like we did.

3. Marketing on YouTube Will Help You Get Found on Google

Google acquired YouTube in 2006, just one year after the platform even launched. Since then, YouTube videos have been showing up more and more in Google searches. You will increase your brand’s online presence in a number of ways. Since YouTube essentially acts as a “search engine” of its own, these two top-dog platforms work together to strengthen the authority of your website.

4. Modernizing

One of the big reasons we started adding video is we felt like it was a good way to start standing out. While a lot of bloggers have already gotten into the video niche and there are a bunch of people making a living with their Youtube channels alone right now, we felt like there weren’t a lot of food bloggers with photos and videos.

5. YouTube Ads Can Help You Reach Even More People

YouTube ads are managed and run through Google Adwords and Adsense. How it works:

1) Viewer sees your video ad in another video and clicks on it

2) You pay for that click as part of your campaign budget

3) Viewer proceeds to watch your video, viewing the ads from other content creators that are enabled to display on your videos.

4) Viewer clicks or watches those ads and you are paid 68% of the ad revenue

What Is YouTube And How To Use YouTube? Complete Guide

How to Find Videos to Watch on YouTube

There are multiple ways you can find what you want to watch on YouTube. On the YouTube platform, you can:

  • Browse videos by entering a keyword or keyword phrase in the search field.
  • Find videos in topics and categories.
  • Filter results by date and popularity.
  • Visit the trending topics tab.
  • View the charts rankings for music videos.
  • View or subscribe to the Popular YouTube channel.


Is it worth it to have a YouTube channel?
yes, it’s worth it to start a YouTube channel if you can engage your audience with unique content.
What are the 5 benefits of YouTube?
Youtube is the easiest way to upload videos online and watch videos. We can share videos of any content like facts, cooking, daily vlogging, or total study material. There is no limitation on the size or content of the video.
What is meant by a YouTube channel?
You can watch and like videos and subscribe to channels with a Google Account. Even if you have a Google Account, you need to create a YouTube channel to upload videos, comment, or make playlists.
Why YouTube is so important?
Many people use YouTube as their primary source of entertainment, and they spend hours each day watching videos on the platform. This means that if you use your video marketing tools correctly.

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