10 Best Benefits Of SEO (search engine optimization)

10 Best Benefits Of SEO (search engine optimization)

10 Best Benefits Of SEO (search engine optimization)
10 Best Benefits Of SEO (search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization or SEO is to increase a website or online piece of content’s exposure and position on search engine results pages, optimization is a technique used (SERPs). This entails utilizing a variety of strategies and techniques to increase the website’s or the content’s appeal to search engines, such as optimizing the website’s keywords, enhancing the site’s navigation and structure, constructing high-quality backlinks, and producing high-quality, pertinent content. The purpose of SEO is to boost a website’s organic traffic and increase its exposure and authority.

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.

In Google and other search engines, the results page often features paid ads at the top of the page, followed by the regular results or what search marketers call the “organic search results”. Traffic that comes via SEO is often referred to as “organic search traffic” to differentiate it from traffic that comes through paid search. Paid search is often referred to as search engine marketing (SEM) or pay-per-click (PPC).

10 best benefits of SEO (search engine optimization)

Not sure if your business should invest in search engine optimization (SEO)? As a core digital marketing strategy, there are plenty of reasons to invest in SEO — and even an SEO agency — to boost brand awareness, reach more customers, and earn more revenue online. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 15 biggest SEO benefits, from boosting your credibility to maximizing your advertising strategy.

1. SEO increases brand awareness among high-value shoppers

What is another benefit of SEO? A better level of brand awareness among your most valuable shoppers. As consumers move through the buying funnel, they conduct a lot of different searches.

If your company continues to appear in its search results, it increases its brand awareness for your business. Even better, it builds their trust in your company. With your content marketing and SEO strategy, you’re demonstrating to consumers that you’re more than a product or service provider.

You’re also a valuable resource for industry information, which increases your value to audiences. If you invest in video marketing, you can also supercharge your brand awareness efforts.

Why? When users watch a video, their brand association increases by almost 140 percent — to make sure users see your videos, however, you need to optimize them for search.

2. Support content marketing

Original content and SEO work together by creating useful content for your visitors, including text, images, and videos, and your website will rank better in search results. Make sure your content is high quality and optimized for the keywords you want to rank for search engines that love freshness, so update your content regularly.

3. SEO Boosts Your Credibility

A key benefit of SEO that many companies overlook is how it improves your credibility among consumers. Ranking on the first page of search results signals to users that Google — or another search engine, like Bing — trusts your website. That’s one reason why 75 percent of users stick to the first page of search results.

They trust search engines to filter results for them, eliminating spammy websites. Google, as well as other search engines, understand this, which is why they use on-page and off-page signals to rank websites. These signals, which can range from the content you create to your website’s speed, demonstrate that your website is safe and credible.

4. Build relationships with other websites

Gathering links from reputable websites is also a benefit of your SEO strategy. This means that one of the most important parts of optimizing your website is to also focus on your outbound SEO strategy. Finding opportunities for placement or coverage on industry blogs, news outlets, and other relevant websites can greatly help your website or brand grow. Even Google likes websites that link to each other, so you should focus on adding links to other websites and promoting them in your articles.

5. Brings More People To Your Website

This is why you have a website. You want to reach more people than you normally would if you had a brick-and-mortar store. Your SEO strategies will improve your ranking and get your webpage in front of their eyes faster.

The higher the ranking, the higher the traffic to your web page. You get higher rankings by using better keywords, meta descriptions, and tags. The more clicks you get, the possibilities of sales go up.

6. SEO is the biggest source of website traffic

When users search for something related to your niche, domain, or industry, they know what they want and are actively looking for information and leads. SEO helps target specific demographics and drive quality traffic to your website without being intrusive or annoying like TV advertising or telemarketing. SEO is very customer-centric and helps you target specific audiences online. As Google is the world’s most popular search engine, processing approximately 63,000 searches per second every day. This means that anyone with a desktop or smartphone and an internet connection will visit the site at least once a day to find answers to their searches.

7. You Can Expand Your Business

The more traffic you get, the easier it is for you to expand your services and product line. The core services and products you can offer, the more money you can make. SEO tools help you obtain feedback from your customers.

This feedback will help you customize your product or service lineup, so you can meet your customers’ needs better. The better you meet your customer’s needs, the better your business will be.

8. SEO generates more leads, sales, and market share for your business

One of the most mentioned benefits of SEO is the increased sales, leads, and market share that companies see. This perk is also something you notice in your day-to-day operations. You see the shoppers coming into your store or the product orders shipping out of your warehouse.

These increases happen because of your rank in search results. By appearing on the first page of search results for high-value keywords used by your target audience, you’re earning clicks and visits from the consumers that matter most to you. To put the value of ranking on the first page into perspective, consider that the first listing in search results earns 33 percent of all search traffic.

If you target the keyword, “central air conditioner installation,” which has a search volume of 1300 a month, you’d earn more than 400 visits a month. Not all those visits will lead to sales, but you can trust that some will.

9. SEO measures your success with real numbers

It’s critical to understand the impact of your investment, whether it’s in advertising or marketing. That’s why it’s a massive perk of not only digital marketing but also SEO that you can monitor the success of your strategies. The best part is that you can access your digital marketing analytics in real-time.

With Google Analytics, as well as other web analytics tools, it’s easy to assess the performance of your SEO strategies. A few metrics to monitor include your website traffic, bounce rate, conversions, and time on site. Marketing software, like MarketingCloudFX, can make monitoring your SEO strategy easier.

The Benefits Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

10. SEO improves your digital marketing ROI

When you invest in digital marketing strategies, you want to earn the highest return on investment (ROI) possible. With a smart and competitive SEO strategy, you can expect an impressive ROI.

When it comes to search engines, they offer a close rate of almost 15 percent for new leads. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you compare it to traditional marketing — which is less than two percent — that’s a massive advantage of SEO.

That means you can increase your lead conversion rate by almost 13 percent. To put that in perspective, imagine that your average lead is worth about $800 and that you sign about 20 new leads a month. With digital marketing, plus SEO, you’ll now sign 23 new leads a month — that translates to an additional $2,400 a month, which means $28,000 in additional revenue a year.

For many businesses, that revenue increase is one of the biggest benefits of SEO. That additional revenue from search, however, depends on SEO. If your website ranks at the bottom of search results on pages two, three, or four, users won’t find your business.

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