How to succeed using email marketing as a blogger

How to succeed using email marketing as a blogger

How to succeed using email marketing as a blogger
How to succeed using email marketing as a blogger

Creating a blog is one of the most efficient ways to reach a large audience and promote yourself or your business.

However, if you want to build a strong relationship with your readers, you have to find an easy way to engage them with your content. In this case, email marketing for bloggers is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

Apart from the benefits of email marketing, this guide will show you how to:

  • Build your email list
  • Choose your email marketing platform
  • Select your campaigns
  • Segment your contacts
  • Optimize your email marketing efforts

With social media being all the hype these days, many bloggers go and find their online fame on places like Instagram and Facebook. Though it’s true that these platforms are great to build a following, they also come with a lot of risks.

Facebook algorithm change? Instagram inactive user clean-up? Tweets aren’t going out? Say bye-bye to your impressive reach.

The way to build relationships that can overcome a roadblock or two is to communicate via email marketing. Collecting followers using an email list makes sure you get to talk to them directly and whenever you want—without any third-party control.

Email marketing will help your blog gain more popularity by attracting new visitors and engaging existing fans.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to build a following, craft email campaigns that skyrocket your blog popularity and correctly measure your newly found success.

The Benefits of Email Marketing for Bloggers

The blogging tools and techniques marketers have at their disposal today are constantly evolving — which has caused some to lose interest in email.

But the latest data is crystal clear: email is here to stay. The number of email users is predicted to grow from 3.7 billion to 4.1 billion users by 2021.

An email has some of the highest ROI of any digital marketing channel, driving $44 for every $1 spent. Social media may make the headlines, but email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.

Clearly, email marketing can be a powerful weapon in the blogger’s digital marketing arsenal.

Here are four key ways email stands out from other marketing techniques for bloggers:

  1. It’s personal: Email marketing allows you to personalize messages for each individual on your email list. By collecting information about your readers during sign-up, you can create segmented lists (using an email marketing tool like ConvertKit). This allows you to tailor your message in all sorts of creative ways.
  2. It’s measurable: While most digital marketing channels include some sort of analytics to gauge results, email is one of the most easily measurable. The impact of each email marketing campaign can often be measured in real-time across a wide range of behaviors, allowing you to accurately determine the ROI of your efforts.
  3. It’s scalable: Email is arguably the greatest one-to-many communication tool ever invented, especially for bloggers. No matter how much you grow your email list, email allows you to deliver a consistent experience to everyone on your list.

Now that you’ve picked your favorite email marketing tool, let’s start with the basics.

Building a blogger email list takes some time, but the reward is that once people signed up for your list, they’re there to stay (if you keep delivering great content, of course).

To start building and growing your blog email list, you need to create awareness and motivate blog readers to subscribe.

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