Structured Data for Organizing & Optimizing Your Website

Structured Data for Organizing & Optimizing Your Website

Structured Data for Organizing & Optimizing Your Website
Structured Data for Organizing & Optimizing Your Website

For the last few weeks, you’ve been going to the same ol’ bar by your office, so you decide it’s time to try something new. What do you do? Step outside and walk around until you find a new spot. No, you hop on Google and let it conduct the search for you.

Your ideal post-work pub is nearby, open right after work, and offers a few gluten-free options so your entire team can partake. You plug these criteria into Google, and you’ve got three viable options at your fingertips — in a handy map format to boot.

No one knows exactly how Google’s algorithm works — but, there are a few ways to organize and optimize your website content so Google knows what content to feature on the SERPs for the various searches people conduct to find you.

This is where structured data comes in. Structured data can make your organization more visible to potential customers and increase your click-through rate by up to 30%.

What is structured data?

Web pages have a number of tough jobs to do all at once. They have to serve both human readers and robot spiders. More importantly, they need to tell stories and entertain as well as inform and communicate specific information. Some of this specific information can be represented in the form of structured data. What is structured data? Well, structured data is information that can be represented in a predictable format, such as hours of operation (if you’re a small business), reviews (ditto), authorship information, and the like. Structured data significantly helps search engines (good for SEO), which means it can help the owners of websites as well.

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