The Benefits of Schema SEO

The Benefits of Schema SEO

The Benefits of Schema SEO
The Benefits of Schema SEO

Schema markup is a type of microdata that can be applied to your website to help search engines understand your website and web pages. Rich is an adjective that is often used when talking about schema. Who wouldn’t love to be rich? Think of your website as a person wishing they were rich.

Your website will benefit because users will see schema markup on the search engine results page (SERPs) in the form of rich snippets. It’s a way to liven up your search results with valuable data like star ratings, price, and in-stock versus out-of-stock. With users being able to see this information directly in the SERPs, it could help your site gain a click over a competitor.

What Is Schema?

Schema markup ( is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines better understand the information on your website.

When search engines recognize the meaning and relationships behind entities, they can serve rich results or rich snippets.

Schema is a language used to represent data—the actual data is called structured data.

Structured data organizes your page’s content and makes the information easier for Google to understand.

Why Is Schema Markup Important for SEO?

Schema markup improves your website for both search engine crawlers and users. The details that it provides help crawlers understand the main topic of your content. It helps them distinguish different pieces of content from one another to truly understand the page as a whole.

It is considered a form of technical SEO because it exists in the backend of your website. Although searchers can’t see the markup data, they can see the rich snippets that it creates.

Research by Milestone Inc. found that targeting rich results can potentially double your organic traffic (depending on your industry and niche). Although schema markup doesn’t directly generate rich or featured snippets, it improves your content and makes it more detailed. Having lots of content details is important for getting a rich snippet from the search engine.

What Are the Benefits of Schema Markup?

Schema markup is an effective tactic to boost page click-through rates and maximize exposure for the brand as organic real estate begins to shrink.

Whether you are local or national, the schema has benefits for businesses both big and small. There is a schema that exists for local businesses, corporations, and even eCommerce stores.

One big reason why schema markup is so relevant is that it can be used to help rank higher in search results. Although having schema markup in place is not a direct ranking factor, it has an effect on the click-through rate. As I said before, schema can help you gain more clicks as your result gets richer and more enticing.

Google and other engines will track how many clicks your result gets and the interaction with the page and the website as a whole. This is the schema’s correlation to improved rankings.

1. Help You Stand out in Search with Rich Results

When Google understands your Schema Markup, it can use this data to show your content as a rich result (also known as rich snippets) on the SERP.

A standard search result will deliver a title, URL, and meta description. However, rich results include captivating images that draw users’ eyes to your search result and web page.

In total, Google has more than 32 different types of rich results. You can classify your content as FAQs, local business content, videos, articles, event pages, and more. If you’re promoting an event, you can improve its visibility by adding Event Structured Data, making your page eligible to appear in the event experience section on Google.

Once you add Schema Markup to your page, you can use Google’s rich results test to see which rich result on your page is eligible for. We also suggest using the Schema Markup Validator on to detect any mistakes in your Structured Data.

2. Drive Business Results 

Schema Markup is an SEO strategy that can provide your company with measurable results and a strong return on investment.

You can use tools like Google Search Console and Schema Performance Analytics to closely monitor how your newly marked-up pages are performing. You’ll likely find that the pages with a rich result have a higher click-through rate than those without one.

Achieving robust results with Schema Markup isn’t unusual. At Schema App, we’ve seen customers across a wide range of industries achieve great results with this SEO strategy.

3. Help Search Engines Better Understand Your Content

Humans are great at inferring the meaning of online content. Google, on the other hand, has to teach its tech to understand your content using machine learning.

That’s why the search engine needs some extra help interpreting the purpose of your site content. You can assist them by adding Schema Markup to your web pages.

Schema Markup is a standardized vocabulary developed by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, and Bing. As such, these search engines can easily interpret the Structured Data on your page, allowing the algorithms to present users with content that better aligns with their search intent. It also helps search engines be more efficient because their machine learning and algorithms are built to understand the Schema Markup.

4. Delight Your Customers with Answers

The customer experience begins in search. It starts when they conduct a search to find a solution for a problem that they are looking to solve.

You can use Schema Markup to delight potential customers by answering common questions or providing them with product insights on their results page. Q&A and FAQ-rich results are two of the most effective rich results types for enhancing the customer experience and streamlining the delivery of information to your target audience.

5. Build a Knowledge Graph and Re-Use It Within Your Organization 

At Schema App, we do more than just generate Schema Markup. We utilize our semantic technologies to generate connected Schema markups so that the search engines can further understand HOW your content is connected to your organization and to other things on the web.

As a result, your Schema Markup is more than just a code you attach to a page. It creates a Knowledge Graph that explains the relationship between the entities on your page.

When you implement connected Schema Markup, you are defining the objects in your content as individual entities with their own properties and relationships to other entities. Once defined, these entities can be connected with the people, places, things, and concepts that other authorities have described like Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Google’s Knowledge Graph. Your Schema markup can even enhance your Google Knowledge Panel in search.

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