Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet
Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

Unless you’re a freegan and have found a way to live entirely off the grid, you probably need some sort of steady income in order to survive. The traditional way to earn money, of course, is by having a job. You work for a company or start your own, and the work you do earns you money, which you spend on things like a mortgage, rent, food, clothing, utilities, and entertainment.

Most people typically work from their company’s central location, a physical space where everyone from that organization gathers to exchange ideas and organize their efforts. But many folks have found ways to make money within the comfort of their own home, thanks to the internet. Some of these gigs are best for those looking to make a little extra money on the side, while others can lead to full-time jobs and big success.

Many web-based jobs require you to be your own boss, which will tap into your sales, marketing, and customer service skills. However, some companies will hire people to work from home — which means you either take a salary or give them a percentage of what you make.

Make Money on the Internet

This quote may have been right a few decades ago, but in today’s time, you can stay in your bed and still be a billionaire. The reason is online earning methods; as the world is going digital the ways of working, doing business, and earning money are changing rapidly.

And if you are still thinking about how to make money online in India? Then you might want to read this article. In this article you will get to know some best tips to start online earning; along with that, you will be informed about the best ways to earn money online. So, read the article till the end.

1. Selling Handmade Goods

Earlier, we mentioned using websites like eBay to sell stuff that you don’t need. But you can also use websites to sell your original creations. Certain websites like and are dedicated to matching the artists who create things by hand with the customers who appreciate and want to purchase their handmade goods.

If you’re like most people, the word handmade probably brings to mind some traditional crafts like knitting, crocheting, needlework, quilting, painting, and sculpting. Handmade items don’t stop there, though. You can also market woodworking, glasswork, metalwork, and anything else you’re capable of building at home. Be sure to focus on projects that you’re already good at or that you have a passion for so you don’t burn out producing each new item.

2. Opt for Online Tutoring

If you have a lot of knowledge about a given subject, or you are currently a college student, one good option to earn money online might be to offer online tutoring lessons. Students at every level are looking for lessons in everything from English, math, science, and history, and even help with competitive exams. And based on which subjects you teach, you can set an hourly rate based on your expertise and you can earn up to ₹200–500 per hour.

You can choose to sign up with an online tutoring platform like Udemy, or Coursera, or you can also reach out and look for people in your social circles who need tutoring classes.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the top most ways to earn money online. It is like running a retail shop, but with a slight difference. In affiliate marketing, you do not need to engage in the production, packaging, or shipping of the products. What you need to do is advertise other’s products and earn a commission on every sale made through your affiliation. So, if you are thinking about how to make money online in India, affiliate marketing might be the answer.

4. Look For Translation Jobs Online

If you are someone who knows multiple languages, you can also earn money online as a translator. In this global age, there is quite a demand for people to translate everything from documents to voicemails, papers, subtitles, and much more. You can find such work with specialized translation agencies or through freelancing portals such as Freelance India, Upwork, or Truelancer.

Your income will be based on the number of languages you know, and while you can earn sufficient money through Indian languages alone, you can always earn more if you know a foreign language (like French, Russian, Spanish, or Japanese) and have a certificate for the same. Generally, you will be paid per word, and you can make from ₹1 to ₹4 per word based on the language.

5. YouTube

YouTube is not just a good source of knowledge and entertainment but a money-earning source too. If you have something to share with people which can help them or provide them with any new knowledge then you can become a YouTuber. As YouTuber, you can earn a good amount of money.

  • You can make money online through YouTube by creating engaging videos and tutorials.
  • Once you have enough views and subscribers on your YouTube channel, then you can start earning by running ads.
  • Many YouTubers earn through collaborations and brand deals too, if your channel is influential enough then you will be approached by the brands.

6. Sell Your Digital Products

On your blog or website, you can even sell digital products of things you have covered, like recipes, or instructions for crafts. This includes audio or video courses, e-books, design templates, plug-ins, PDFs, printables, or UX kits.

You can also distribute and sell these kinds of downloadable or streamable media through sites such as Amazon, Udemy, SkillShare, or Coursera. Since you only need to make your product one time, and you can sell it as many times as you want, you can have high-profit margins for a well-made and unique product.

7. Social Media

Today social media has become a big part of everyone’s life; it’s not just a source of entertainment, but communication and online earning too. So, if you are wondering how to make money online in India? Social media can be a way. From running ads to managing social media for brands there are so many ways to make money online through social media.

  • The main asset to making money online on social media is having a fan base, i.e. number of followers.
  • As companies are willing to pay social media influencers to promote their product and services.
  • Social media is also used as a platform to sell products, there are many pages present on Instagram and Facebook for the same.
  • You can even use it for educational purposes, creating profiles with specific topics like web development, designing, machine learning, or even cooking recipes, etc.

8. Work as an Insurance POSP

A good way to earn money online is by becoming a POSP (Point of Salesperson). This is a kind of insurance agent who works with insurance companies and sells insurance policies. All you need for the job is a smartphone and a good internet connection, and it can be done online from home.

To qualify as an insurance POSP, you need to be over 18 years old, and graduate Class 10, then you must complete a 15-hour compulsory training offered by the IRDAI. Your income will be on a commission basis, and the more policies you sell, the more you can earn. You can find out more about the steps, requirements, and regulations for becoming a POSP agent here.

9. Become a Consultant

If you possess excellency and expertise in any field and are thinking of ways to how to make money online in India? Then you might consider becoming a consultant. As a consultant, you will be helping businesses and individuals in gaining success in their endeavors.

  • Anyone with skills and experience can become a consultant.
  • You can work independently by registering yourself on consulting sites like Clarity. Cm. Or work with a consultancy firm.
  • What you need is clear and in-depth knowledge of your field, and you are good to become a consultant and earn money online.

10. Look for Freelancing Work

Another popular way to earn money online is through freelance work. Those who are good at programming, editing, writing, designing, and more can look at portals like Upwork, PeoplePerHour, Kool Kanya, Fiverr, or Truelancer to find work with businesses that look for freelancers. You just need to register on one or more of these portals (usually for a small fee), and based on the work you offer, you can gradually work your way towards high-paying gigs as a freelancer.

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  2.  How to Make Money Without a Job

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