15 Killer Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers in 2023

15 Killer Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers in 2023

15 Killer Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers in 2023
15 Killer Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers in 2023

Get more YouTube Subscribers; this is the most common job of every video content marketer. Running a YouTube Channel without subscribers is like running a restaurant without customers. Everything you create you have to digest yourself, and all the efforts are for nothing.

Video content is the more effective way to improve your content marketing strategy. It not only educates others effortlessly but also quality videos impress the viewers and grab a viral number of shares on social media.

When it comes to video content marketing, you cannot ignore the most significant video platform YouTube.

I encounter many people every day claiming that this year they will create a YouTube channel, but in the end they do nothing.

There are many who create channels but not able to make money with YouTube.

You need to revamp YouTube channel and these killer ways will help you get more Youtube subscribers in 2023.

What I am going to share is something that always worked for YouTube masters and what work for them will surely work for you also.

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15 Killer Ways to Get More YouTube Subscribers in 2023

YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with over 2 billion monthly active users. However, with so much competition, it can be challenging to attract new subscribers and grow your channel. In this article, we will share 15 ways to get more YouTube subscribers in 2023.

1. Produce engaging, evergreen and viral video content

You want to create a video that go viral, and then you need to focus on building highly engaging, entertaining and informative content. You cannot afford to lose control in the middle of the material as it will cost you severely.

You should put complete focus on making the whole video entertaining and flowing in the right way.

You need to give your readers something extra. Your job is to make video content not just engaging and informative but entertaining. The more engaging content you create the more users engage with your channel.

You must keep the balance between fun and educational content. This tip always works with content marketing.

What I recommend to you is that you should create evergreen videos that burst like anything. If you only focus on burst videos, then you will get unlimited hits but for a short period.

Evergreen videos will work for a long time. You will also get archived views. These type of videos stay relevant for long enough.

2. Create Quality Content

Quality content is the foundation of any successful YouTube channel. Create videos that are engaging, informative, and entertaining. Focus on your niche and provide value to your viewers. This will help you attract a loyal audience and increase your subscribers.

3. Clean Up Your YouTube Channel

Before we get into the good stuff, it is important to do some housekeeping. While you may think everything your business does is flawless, you are not Beyoncé, so your audience might not think so… I know, I know, it’s hard to swallow, but it’s important to step away from yourself and into the shoes of an outsider from time to time.

Taking a hard look at your YouTube channel and re-evaluating what is on there will likely lead to the realization that a chunk of old content should be deleted—whether it is outdated, poorly produced, or just a flop of a video that should have never made it up there in the first place. If you have something of this nature tied to your brand, it’s going to immediately turn that lead off, and cause them to lose trust in your brand. Delete it and never look back!

4. SEO optimize video description

Now you know how to SEO optimize your video title, the next thing is to optimize your video description.

You cannot ignore the importance of SEO optimized YouTube video description.

SEO optimized description not only help search engine to understand what your video is all about but also help the audience to find the video smoothly.

You should optimize the video description as you tune the description of your blog post. Do not make it too lengthy.

Use the keyword in the description but avoid keyword stuffing.

Keep the description authentic and easy to understand even for visitors.

5. Configure YouTube account defaults

This is another nice hack that you can use to add a subscribe reminder in all your videos. Just like branding, YouTube lets you add default settings for all your future uploads.  You can use this feature to ask your users to subscribe to your videos in all your videos.

To configure this, simply head over to the YouTube defaults page and add a description that you would like to show in all your videos.

I can always edit or remove anything at the time of uploading videos. This is such a time saver and ensures that I remind my viewers to subscribe to my channel.

6. Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach a wider audience and attract more subscribers to your YouTube channel. Collaborate with influencers in your niche to promote your videos and reach their followers. This will help you build credibility and attract new subscribers to your channel.

7. Execute Top-Notch Channel Trailers

YouTube has this beautiful feature for marketers looking to grow their subscription base, called channel trailers. These are just as they sound, short trailers that automatically play when a visitor arrives on your YouTube channel page.

This is the perfect opportunity to build your subscription base, if, and only if, you create insanely compelling content.

These trailers need to be short (30-60 seconds), compelling, and most importantly they need to give your visitors a reason to stay. Do they need to be hilarious, beautiful, and emotionally charged? It will definitely help! What I really can’t stress enough is the need for an impactful call to action that gives the viewer a reason to subscribe.

8. Channel Customization is necessary

The best way to make your Youtube channel look unique and make people trust your brand is by making most of YouTube Channel customization.

When optimizing your channel, you need to look professional. It will help to build trust and earn respect.

Are you already running a blog on the niche related to your YouTube channel? If yes, then add all the necessary elements to make your channel more appealing.

Use the similar color theme, fonts or brand images to establish your channel. It will help you turn your new channel into a brand in real time. You can also hire a professional designer to create an optimized YouTube channel art.

9. YouTube Thumbnail image

Create a custom video thumbnail for each video instead of letting one be randomly generated. This only makes sense.

Using annotations and relevant images as custom thumbnails for your YouTube videos will increase your videos’ CTR (click-through rate). A custom video thumbnail with a minor annotation will tell your users what your video is all about.

YouTube currently offers a selection of thumbnails from three intervals – at the 1/4th mark, at the 1/2 mark, and at the 3/4th mark. Choose the one that best illustrates what your video is about.

YouTube thumbnails help you attract new users to your channel and if you are not designing catchy thumbnails, you are missing out a lot.

The idle size for YouTube Thumbnails is: 1280 x 720 pixels

You can use tools like:

  • Thumbmaker (DIY)
  • Canva

10. Collaborate with Other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers is a great way to attract new subscribers and grow your channel. Find other creators in your niche and collaborate on videos or live streams. This will help you reach a new audience and build relationships with other creators.

11. Add Powerful CTAs To Your Videos

All good marketers know how to create powerful calls-to-action, or CTA’s. So why not use these skills of yours to give users a reason to return to your channel through a subscribe-able call-to-action?

How does this work exactly? If the idea of inserting a CTA into a video sounds complicated, and possibly above your technical capabilities, I’ve got good news: It’s not! YouTube has made this easy by allowing marketers to add end screens and cards to their videos. Let me break down these two options a bit further

12. Use YouTube Call to Action annotations

YouTube Call to action annotations is there to help you to engage the audience with your videos quickly.

Call to action annotation can be used in both good and bad ways. It is your job to use them wisely.
If you use annotation in the best way, then you will get more subscribers quickly whenever a new user clicks them.

You can quickly add a subscribing call to action in your video, and your channel subscription grows like anything.

Professional YouTubers always use annotations to boost subscribers.

13. Optimize YouTube Titles for CTR

Being distinguishable is the most important aspect of YouTube’s success.

One great way to do this is to give your videos offbeat names. This way, you’re going to be getting a lot of people coming to your channel based on curiosity alone.

Having quirky titles will play a major role in getting the views that your channel needs to benefit from the social proof factor.

But to get a maximum amount of views, you will also need to dive into the SEO part of YouTube marketing.

14. Use Relevant Keywords

Using relevant keywords is essential for improving your YouTube SEO and attracting more subscribers. Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, tags, and captions. This will help your videos rank higher in search results and attract more viewers.

10 Smart Ways To Get More YouTube Subscribers in 2023

15. Youtube Intro and Outro

Want to turn your Youtube channel into a brand and boost subscribers then you should optimize your videos with YouTube Intro and Outro.

These will make your video quite engaging and entertaining.

Intro and outro tell how professional you are and help to build trust and leave the brand impression.
An engaging intro makes the reader watch the whole video.

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