How to Build an Email List from Your YouTube Subscribers

How to Build an Email List from Your YouTube Subscribers

How to Build an Email List from Your YouTube Subscribers
How to Build an Email List from Your YouTube Subscribers

Want to grow your email list on YouTube? As the world’s second-largest search engine, YouTube offers a huge opportunity for business owners to generate more leads. In this guide, we’ll share how to build an email list for your YouTube channel.

Did you know that YouTube is the third most visited site after Google and Facebook? There are 3.25 billion hours of video watched each month. If you aren’t getting a piece of that pie, you are missing out on a lot of email subscribers.

Unfortunately, most YouTube channels aren’t optimized properly for email subscribers.

What is an Email List?

Put simply, an email list is a collection of subscribers who choose to receive content and updates from you via, you guessed it, email.

Sometimes people call email lists “subscribers lists” or “mailing lists.”

You can start an email list or grow your existing email list in several ways that we’ll cover later on.

First, let’s take a look at why email list building is essential for your online business.

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