10 Best Blog Ideas That Make Money

10 Best Blog Ideas That Make Money

10 Best Blog Ideas That Make Money
10 Best Blog Ideas That Make Money

if you’re going to make it as a professional blogger, you need to understand the types of blogs that make money.

But if there’s no chance of making money from it, you’ll only ever be a hobby blogger.

According to ProBlogger, about two-thirds of bloggers earn less than $100 a month from their blogs.

That’s less than $3.50 a day.

On the flip side, about one in 10 earn $1,000 – $9,999 a month, and one in 25 makes more than $10,000 a month.

Those “success stories” are the people who’ve found profitable blog niches and monetized them effectively.

With that in mind, in this article, we’re going to:

  • Shine a light on those profitable blogging niches
  • Focus on a successful blog within each niche
  • Discuss how you could make money blogging in that niche
  • Identify potential sub-niches and topic areas within each niche

What is a blog?

A blog or “web log” is a web page for content that you regularly add to and update. Unlike other publications and articles, blogs tend to take on a more personal tone that helps them connect more deeply with their audiences.

People start blogs for all kinds of reasons, including:

  • Sharing their opinions, passions, or glimpses into their lives.
  • Teaching others what they know.
  • Building an email list.
  • Developing their personal brand as an expert.
  • Selling products or services.
  • A combination of any or all of the above.

For these reasons, blogging can be incredibly fulfilling—especially when complete strangers start consuming your content—but it’s also a commitment.

How to start a blog

The hardest part about blogging is finding the time and the ideas you need to do it consistently. Getting started, however, is fairly straightforward.

Starting a blog with the potential to be a business comes down to the following steps, which we’ll explore in detail:

  1. Consider the different opportunities to monetize.
  2. Pick an audience to serve.
  3. Choose a blogging platform, and a domain name, and build your blog.
  4. Lay the groundwork for distribution.
  5. Planning out your publishing strategy.

How can you make money blogging?

You’re probably reading this because you want to start a blog to make money online.

And although it’s possible to make decent money as a blogger, starting a blog from scratch isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.

Just like with any other business, it takes time to gain traction in your niche and attract enough visitors to generate income.

There are no shortcuts, and it takes a lot of hard work. But as long as you’re prepared to put in the effort, you can earn a full-time income from blogging.

10 Best Blog Ideas That Make Money

1. Finance Blogs

If any (or all) of those things apply, you could start making money with a finance blog.

Finance and business blogs aim to give useful financial advice to their audience.

It could be general advice, or it could be tailored to a specific demographic, like college students, parents, or people approaching retirement.

As its name suggests, Money to the Masses doesn’t target a specific audience niche.

Instead, its goal is to help millions of people make smarter financial choices by steering them toward the best financial products.

That’s how finance blogs typically make money.

They recommend financial products that they’re paid to promote.

Ahrefs shows us the site is targeting a bunch of high-intent keywords, such as:

  • best regular savings account
  • best children’s savings account
  • a best 10-year fixed-rate mortgage
  • best way to invest 100k

If you can rank strongly for terms like those, you’ll be well placed to make money online from a finance blog.

2. Food and Recipe Blogs

Another one of the topics that make the most money is food, which makes sense because people are always looking for ways to up their recipe game.

This is also a successful blogging niche for marketing on Pinterest, but that could be a blog post all on its own.

There are so many different stances or focuses you could take despite this being a popular niche already. You could focus solely on a specific type of food, like Italian, or focus on healthy meals only.

I’m sure that you’ve searched for a receipt and ended up on a food blog at least once or twice — maybe without even realizing it. These types of blogs are great for ranking in SEO and getting traffic.

The most common way for people to make money off food blogs include affiliate income, advertisements, and sponsored posts.

3. Digital products

If you know exactly what your audience needs, you can create your own digital product that helps them solve a specific problem and make their lives easier.

Your first digital product could be a small e-book or a printable, for instance. Those are easy and relatively quick to create.

Also, you can set up your sales channel easily with SendOwl, for example. They offer beginner-friendly tools for setting up your payment methods and delivering your files to your customers.

4. Technology or Gaming Blogs

Consider starting a blog focused on technology. This can be an incredibly lucrative blog niche, especially because technology is always changing, and we have the desire to keep up with the latest trends.

The most common way to have a technology blog is to do tech reviews. People want to know if purchasing an expensive piece of equipment is worth it, and your review could help them immensely.

Another niche under the umbrella of technology that’s popular is video games. This can be computer games or games for another console but can get you a decent amount of traffic to your website, especially from the gaming community.

Similar to other blogs on this list, a common way to make money with this type of blog is affiliate income. Technology also costs a lot, so if you can convince someone that a particular product is worth it and they click to purchase it through your link, you can make a pretty penny from them.

5. Lifestyle Blogs

Unlike the other blogging niche examples in this article, lifestyle is a pretty nebulous term.

By which I mean lifestyle blogs can basically be about anything.

Generally, they’re about the blog owner’s or editorial team’s personal experiences.

That can encompass fashion, dating, culture, careers, travel… and many other things.

Many lifestyle blogs that make money effectively build a sort of “cult of personality” around their founder.

We think Person X has an incredible life; we aspire to be like them, so we follow them on social media and read their blog content.

6. Display ads

Making money with display ads on your blog means that you will sign up with an ad delivery partner and place ads on your blog.

When visitors see and click on those ads, you will earn passive income.

7. Health and Fitness Blogs

Health and fitness are among the most profitable blog niches. People are always looking for ways to stay fit, especially as more people start working from home.

When it comes to this niche, you could take many different focuses, such as a particular sport, or type of exercise, or even just document your own health and fitness.

Another approach you could take might be wellness, such as yoga or meditation, to help someone cope with stress and anxiety. The possibilities are endless for health and wellness, and you’ll most likely never run out of blog post ideas.

it just goes to show how many options there are to expand and scale an online business in this niche.

8. Services

If you’re a freelancer, blogging can be a fantastic way to make money online.

Select a blog niche where you can use your professional skills and market your services to a global audience.

Here are a few ideas for services you can offer as a blogger:

  • Photography
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic design
  • Web design
  • Online tutoring and teaching

9. Travel Blogs

Writing in the travel niche is another one of the blog ideas that make money. People are always looking to travel, no matter the time of year.

You’ve most likely turned to the internet to help plan your itineraries when you’ve traveled before and have almost certainly ended up on a travel blog.

As humans, we trust the experiences of others and look to reviews as social proof to decide whether certain attractions are worth it or not.

If you are a traveler yourself or love traveling, this could be an excellent niche for you to consider blogging in.

10. Beauty Blogs

Inevitably, there can be a fair degree of crossover between beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and even travel blogs.

For instance, a lot of beauty bloggers will naturally also write about what’s in their wardrobe, while fashion bloggers often cover makeup tips.

But there are plenty of scopes to earn money with a blog focused purely (or largely) on the world of beauty.

A lot of sites in this niche have popular YouTube channels, and Fleur DeForce is no different.

Launched back in 2009, Fleur’s YouTube has more than 1.3 million subscribers, so no doubt she makes plenty of money through banner ads in her video content.

But that’s only one way to make money as a beauty blogger.

Potential Beauty Blog Niches
  • Styling tips
  • Makeup tutorials
  • Beauty product recommendations
  • DIY beauty products
  • Skincare

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