Email Marketing For Bloggers

Email Marketing For Bloggers

Email Marketing For Bloggers
Email Marketing For Bloggers

Whether you’re brand new to blogging, or you’ve been slowly growing your traffic (and email list) for years, it’s never too soon to take your email marketing efforts seriously. Here’s my guide to blog email marketing for this year.

We’re here to break down email marketing as it applies to bloggers, so let’s dive in. One of the questions I’m frequently asked by readers who are new to blogging is, “When should I start building my email list?”

My answer to that question is always today. As a blogger, it’s never too early (or too late) to start building your email list.

Why email marketing is useful for bloggers

In a general sense, every email you send to a potential or current customer is email marketing. However, this technique typically involves cultivating a subscriber list, then sending them messages with varying degrees of frequency depending on your goals.

This can be an extremely powerful way to connect with your audience. As a blogger, you can keep your captive subscriber list up to date on your latest posts or other relevant events. In turn, this encourages return visits and, over time, builds a sense of community.

In addition, your emails can be a good way to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Many people enjoy getting emails, as long as they are informational, useful, and not ‘spammy.’ Some may even engage directly as a result, providing you with further opportunities to connect.

What is an email list for bloggers?

Your email list refers to the community of email subscribers you’re collecting from the pool of readers who visit your blog.

These email subscribers are the people who’ve opted in (by submitting their email addresses in an embedded form on your blog).

They’ve chosen to receive regular updates, new content notifications, recommendations, and/or offers from you — directly to their email inboxes.

While blogging may be the best way to build an online presence, snag search traffic, and establish yourself as an expert in your field, email marketing is how you can personally connect with your target audience.

Unlike social media and search engines, nothing can prevent you from reaching everyone on your email list.

Email marketing is so powerful for bloggers because it’s a direct channel between you and your readers — one you get to personally own and control.

Blogging and email marketing are one of the most potent combinations to both driving regular traffic to your content and making money from your blog.

Benefits Of Email Marketing For Bloggers

As a digital marketing channel, email isn’t only cost-effective but has a plethora of advantages you need to know about. Here are a few of the benefits that email offers:

  • The average email ROI is currently $42 for every $1 you spend on it.
  • You can reach a large target audience, regardless of their location.
  • Delivering personalized content the moment your email subscribers need it.
  • Establishing meaningful connections with them.

Unlike search engine optimization (SEO) and social media, email marketing is one of the best ways to target your audience directly with personalized experiences. More specifically, through personalization, you can show your subscribers tailored content and turn them into loyal readers of your blog.

Moreover, by taking advantage of the advanced segmentation options of your email service provider (ESP), you can place your content in front of the right eye, ensuring high engagement rates. Lastly, email marketing can help you monetize your blog by promoting specific content/offers to your readers.

Email Marketing For Bloggers

Here’s all you need to know about blogger email marketing, from choosing a good email tool to optimizing your tactics!

There’s even an ancient proverb in the blogging world that sums up the importance of growing your email list from day one with your blog… “There’s always money in the banana stand email list.”

1. Choose A Blogger-Friendly Email Service

The first step to every successful email marketing strategy is to select the right tools. As a blogger, you will need user-friendly email marketing software to craft, send, and optimize your campaigns.

Moreover, selecting the right plan is essential to get started on the right foot. So make sure to find an ESP that offers you all the functionality you need without breaking the bank.

2. Build your subscriber list

Your first step will be to build your subscriber list. Arguably, this can be the most challenging part of email marketing. Of course, if you don’t have subscribers, your amazing content will go without engagement.

To get more email subscribers, you’ll need a signup form on your website. Ideally, you want it to stand out and attract your readers’ attention with an effective call to action (CTA). You can place one on your home page, About page, or even consider using a popup.

3. Social media signups for your email list

Don’t be afraid to promote your signup form on many different places on your website, as well as to include your social media profiles. Integrations for Facebook, WordPress, and Medium make it easy to implement your form.

You can also link your signup form on your Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and any other social media profiles to increase your exposure.

Want to learn more? We go into more detail on how to make email marketing and social media work together like BFFs in this guide.

4. Give subscribers a taste of your latest content

Now, with a subscriber list in place, you can focus on your emails. Ideally, your email content should lead back to your website in some way. This lets you boost engagement on your blog and keep your audience hooked with valuable content to boot.

Fortunately, email is already highly-accessible, especially via mobile, making it a great way to alert readers to new blog posts. However, to further entice them, you may want to give them a taste of what you’re offering. This can be the beginning of your post or an exciting excerpt, followed by a link to the full article on your website.

5. Identify your audience

All great content starts with having a firm handle on who your audience is.

  • Who are you speaking to?
  • What are they interested in?
  • How does this align with what you are offering?

If you’ve already started your blog, you probably have a good idea who your audience is — but depending on the way you’ve captured emails on your blog, your subscriber list may have more narrowed interests.

The better acquainted you are with your readers, the easier it will be for you to write compelling content to keep them hooked.

Separating your audience into different categories depending on their interests, location, or behaviors will enable you to develop different versions of your content that can be tailored for each group.

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